Challenge Insurance was established in 2006 by its current Managing Director, David Walsh. The company caters for a range of commercial insurance requirements, while also specialising in niche insurance areas. They have recently been developing a new product known as ‘Challenge Medical Indemnity’, which provides comprehensive indemnity for private practitioners. David’s experience in medical indemnity underwriting and insurance brokerage gave Challenge Insurance the platform to research and access reduced indemnity costs for private medical consultants and private medical clinics in Ireland.
Editor: What was the impetus behind the ‘Challenge Medical Indemnity’ project?Dave: I have been working with professional and medical indemnity insurance companies and brokers for the past 15 years. Medical indemnity insurance options have been available to private consultants for some time now. Many practitioners in Ireland already subscribe to medical indemnity insurance from companies other than the traditional medical defence organisations. We are currently experiencing an increase in the number of applications from consultants and clinics across a range of specialties, who are seeking more competitive indemnity options for their private practices. I would like to provide the medical indemnity solutions which are available to practitioners in the UK and Europe for Irish based consultants and clinics. Following our research and subsequent confirmation of access to competitive and experienced medical indemnity providers via Challenge Insurance, I felt the timing was right to launch ‘Challenge Medical Indemnity’
Editor: How does Medical Indemnity Insurance integrate with the Clinical Indemnity Scheme for Private Consultants?
Dave: Each individual application for medical indemnity insurance is submitted and underwritten on its own merits. It is of paramount importance for us to accurately determine the total insurance indemnity limit required, based on integration with the Cap Limit provided by the Clinical Indemnity Scheme.
Editor: What type of benefits could a consultant expect from ‘Challenge Medical Indemnity’?
Dave: There are a range of benefits that can be achieved:
• Reduced annual premiums.
• Limit of Indemnity options.
• Policy excess options (the insured’s contribution to each and every claim).
• 24/7 access to insurance files and documentation through our online client portal.
• Legal expenses arising out of claims for negligence will be included in the policy indemnity limit. However, legal expenses arising from disciplinary hearings and statutory or other inquiries are not covered by either medical indemnity insurance or the Clinical Indemnity Scheme but cover at competitive rates can be purchased separately.
• Claims Made Cover versus Claims Occurrence Cover
(There can be some detailed discussion required in providing information regarding this distinction in cover and I would encourage clients who wish to seek clarification on Claims Made Cover versus Claims Occurrence Cover to contact me directly)
Editor: How does a consultant or clinic go about obtaining a quotation?
Dave: A Clinic or Consultant can contact me at 01 8395942 or email me at ‘dave@challenge.ie’ with the renewal date of their existing policy or membership subscription. I will issue an application form to be completed and returned. I would also encourage each applicant to include a copy of their most recent CV.
Applications and other relevant information can also be downloaded from our website.